You have to believe me, these are all Led Zeppelin Tribute Bands plying their wares on the net;
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (were they THAT good !)
Led by Zeppelin
Led Zepplica
Rusty Led
Whole Lotta Led
Led Zepagain
Stairway to Zeppelin
Led Zep Too
Hammer of the Godz
The Led
Stairway Denied
Book No Quarter
Custard Pies (what ?)
Led Ashtray
Rubber Plants (got to be the best name)
Bled Zeppelin
Wings of Thor
there heaps more............................
Image: Courtesy Atlantic
and let's not forget the best of them all... SWAN SONG in DALLAS TEXAS!! www.myspace.com/swansongtributeband
Ha ha that's quite funny, you mis-spelt Led Astray. Led Ashtray.
Rubber Plants are not going any more.
There are actually considerably more than you have listed, including Lez Zeppelin, and Moby Chick (all girl versions) and there are new ones seemingly every week.
Were they that popular, hell yes!
Besides these are spread out around the world so its not like you will see more than a couple in your neighbourhood.
Biggest concentration is here in England where Led Zep Too, Lets Zep, Stairway to Zeppelin, and Led By Zeppelin are all respectable outfits competing for the same circuit, plus Whole Lotta Led, who are rubbish, but have been going for a long time so they have all the biggest and best venues sewn up.
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