Monday, January 14, 2008

New Aussie Act Airbourne Says Wolfmother and Jet Are Fakes

Chart Attack (Canada) recently interviewed Joel O'Keefe, Lead Singer of the new aussie export Airbourne who told them Wolfmother and Jet are a bad example of rock that comes out of Australia.

"They’re just carbon copies of something they want … they’re wannabes. They’re like American Idol or something like that. They’re not legit.”

This is quite something from Airbourne, who, while being an excellent example of reborn classic rock, are sometimes pretty hard to distinguish from ACDC. Yes, we all know Wolfmother sound like Uriah Heep, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, and that Jet have become so overplayed as to become irrelevent, but one can only hope that this interview was a publicitiy stunt.

“We intend to move here [North America] for good. Australia will become a tourist destination for us. We’re all going to live in a house together. We’re here to get drunk and get wasted and have a party with everyone.”

This is definitely not a good idea if you want to increase your popularity in Australia, the land of tall poppies. have responded with a swift Good Riddance, Airbourne !

Joel O' Keefe is probably having a good laugh that we all took it so seriously.
Image: Courtesy EMI

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