Friday, December 21, 2007

Led Zeppelin Will Tour Next Year ?

If Britian's Daily Star is to believed Led Zep will be touring in the 2nd half of next year and starting off at the MIllenium Stadium in Cardiff. Robert Plant would not be available earlier due to his tour with Alison Krauss on the back of their succesful album Raising Sand.
The paper quotes an anonymous source:

“Robert was overwhelmed by the attention but he wants the fuss to die down before doing more stuff with the band. It’ll be towards the end of the year now.”

The Daily Star also claims to have contacted venue bosses who say they are in talks with the band's managment. This coupled with rumours that New York's Madison Square Garden has been booked out for them means that it's all being confirmed as a vague possibility.

1 comment:

Bill said...

"starting off at the MIllenium Stadium in Cardiff"... now that would be nice if I can get tickets (and if it really happens). Just an hours drive away :-)